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Escapology For The Four-Fingered

Welcome to Escapology for the Four-Fingered, and to start with I will tell you how to escape from a very rich person's party. The first thing to remember is to make sure that the rich person stays happy so you get an expensive birthday present. First of all you must get the host out of the way, to do this simply get a plate of very expensive food and give everyone a large portion. The host will see how popular the food is and go to get some more, while the host is gone you must get out without anyone seeing you. To do this put your face in the cake and shout "wiblesnotyoink!!!" and claim that you've got food poisoning. Slowly move toward the door avoiding people being sick on each other. Before you go you must make sure that the host still buys you an expensive present, so go into the kitchen, where a group of party-crashing tramps have come in and thrown up everywere, and scare them away. Unfortunately, the host's wife will certainly be in there so you must now get away from her before she talks to you for hours. To do this ask where the toilet is but don't go in because it will be so comfortable that you won't be able to leave. Instead look for a door saying "Games Room" on it as it will have everything needed by a rock climber. Use the equipment to climb down the wall out of the window. When you get to the bottom run as fast as you can before you are attacked by the guard mice which will be biologically enhanced. Then climb up the satellite dishes on the side of the house into one of the spare bedrooms where you wait until the end of the party and then go home.

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